subject which needs more emphasis. All of us have a spiritual side to our nature This cannot be divorced from the material, !conly through the spir itual does the material have meaning and value Some would deny this, but I believe they do so as a defense against the teachings--or what they believe to be the teachings. of particular faiths. We have only to look around us and within us to discern a forte, a spirit God-call this what you win. There is a plan in this great universe and you and I-every ingle person and thing is an integral part of that plan

There are th se who profess to minister to us on behalf of God, how. ever, who would deny the homosex ual any part in this universal plan. "The church is no place for this filth, he is anathema," they would say ! submit to you that the church if it truly be the representative of God. must be always open to the creatures of God no matter what they may think, say or do God is not exclusive He does not create only t reject and forget. Neither does he create scapegoals. These are the results of fearful men who because o! this fear are unable to comprehend love not only love of their fellow.ian, but love of Gud alsu


The results of this rejection by ministers has caused them to deviate from their role as leaders toward a fuller spiritual life fur Both religion and homoeveryor.e sexuality are emotional subjects and I they have been played to the hilt in creating and mainta.ning strife among groups. Sodom and Gomurrah have been twisted all out of proportion to their original intent and meaning But don't waste your time getting a martyr complex over it just read Dr Bailey's Homosexu. ality and the Western Christian Tradition." It is high time that all of us got back on the path toward a richer 20

and more satisfying life A life in which we will welcome all people, leaving it to God to judge their intentions.

We have seen that the law cannot legislate morals. Morals are the result of ethical values. These values are the result of tradition and education to a large extent. These inte:pretations must be constantly reexamined in order to give meaning to this modern day We have advanced measurably since the middle ages and our philosophy of life must be vitalized if the brotherhood of man is to be accomplished. We must mean what we say and practice what we preach.

Now, what about the medical proj blem of the homosexual Generally, this is a field which has been most progressive in its attitudes. Phychiatry especially has made great strides forward in its analysis and comprehension of homosexuality Medical people, schooled as they are in the objective approach to research, however, would be the first subject. They' have only scrtached the surface Most of the questions still remain to be answered accurately through recognized research methods.

But what is being done by the medical profession to determine the answers and thereby partially, at least release the homosexual from this dark age of ignorance of a problem affecting untold millions throughout the world? I know of no concerted effort being made by any professional group to conduct reearch into the psychic, physical, or social reaches of homosexuality True, some individuals have conducted research into various phases of the subject and this is certainly a beginning. But, there has been no attempt to correllate these findings and exhibit them into the entire picture of the individual. We are com(Continued on page 25) {

mattachine REVIEW

You Can STILL Read It from the BEGINNING...!

Yes. because the publisher habit. ually set aside extra copios for f ture use. Mattachine Review is still available as a "package" from the beginning, and single copies may bɔ obtainɔd of almost all editions. Here's how it works:

I PACKAGE UNIT-AII Back Is. sues for 1955 Six big bi-mon hly Bonus editions, plus Decembe: number, total 290 pages Sold as a unit only for $3. postpa:d

2. SINGLE COPIES o! back issues available for all 1955 numbers (ex. cep: 2nd and 3rd) and all 1955 issues to date (except January), sen' first class ma:l 50 ecch

3. BACKDATEL SUBSCRIPTIONS Any subscription may be ordered to start with any issue bark to and including July-August, 1955 Thus = new subscription ordered to stari with that issue and run for two years would expire in August 1957 Rate, $2.50 per year

4 BOUND VOLUME. A few copies of first binding still available at $7 (plus 3% tax in California) for immediate delivery Additional orders received will be held for delivery in late summer 1956


EVERY ISSUE IS NEW UNTIL YOU HAVE READ IT Content of Mat. tachine Review is not outdated by the calendar And premiere editions of this magazine will have greater historical value in years to come

Here are the contents of the issues to date

JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1955: California s Vag-Lewd Statute Criticized, James Barr Fugate's Facing Friends in a Small Town. Study of Homosexuals as a Personality Type. An Open Letter to Sen Dirksen

MARCH-APRIL 1955 Carl B. Harding's Deep Are the Roots, Sex Pervert Ago 7. Justice Scored in Provoo Case Review of North Carolina Sex Laws. History of Mattachine Society. Sex Offenders in Denmark

MAY-JUNE 1955: James Barr's Unde: Honorable Conditions, the Problem of Appearance, Dr R. S. Rood's discussion of treating California Sex Psychopaths, a Minneapolis Father Discovers Homosexuality, the Coming Model Penal Code, the Bridegroom wore a Dress.

JULY-AUGUST 1955 Mattachine Salutes Judge Learned Hand, Lyn Pedersen's Play Without a Stage (a

"YELLOW BO0K" of General Information.

The history, organizational structure, aims and principles And operation of the Wattachine Society are told in a 16. page general information booklet. It's called "The Mat tachine Sotiety Today." Sem 25 cents for your copy to the Board of Directors, Mattachine Society, Inc., P.O. Box 1925, Los Angeles 53, Calif.